Procedural F*ckery.
Quirks of our “Democracy.”
We love to promote our democratic principles. We love to spread them across the globe as well. But there are three procedural quirks in our system that are so laughably undemocratic it’s surreal. The Electoral College, filibuster and gerrymandering have been such integral parts of our system for so long that we barely recognize them for the travesties they are. Right now, Democrats have tenuous control over the system and the ability to change the course of democracy for decades to come. So why don’t they? Today’s episode digs into the racist history of these three significant aspects of our republic, the Republicans who will do anything to protect them, and the feckless Democrats who maintain the status quo.

Show Notes
Episode Timestamp + Link | Clip Link
- 00:03:29 | Get Smart: Max & 99
- 00:04:51 | Associated Press: Formal Certification of George W. Bush Victory
- 00:06:52 | The Simpsons: It's Just Not Fair
- 00:07:18 | The Sixth Sense: I See Dead People
- 00:14:10 | CNN: President Obama Calls for Bipartisan Groups to Draw Congressional Districts
- 00:22:32 | SpongeBob: Two Weeks Later
- 00:23:28 | Mr. Smith Goes to Washington: Filibuster
- 00:24:27 | Parks and Recreation: Leslie Knope's Roller Skating Filibuster
- 00:27:49 | The Hill: Sen. McConnell: Ending filibuster would be NIGHTMARE
- 00:30:53 | El Risitas: Funniest Laugh Ever!!
- Congress: For the People Act
- Congress: Fair Representation Act
- Congressmen Beyer: House Democrats Reintroduce Fair Representation Act
- Brennan Center For Justice: Rucho v. Common Cause
- Brennan Center For Justice: Gerrymandering Explained
- Brennan Center For Justice: What Is Extreme Gerrymandering?
- Fair Vote: Ranked Choice Voting Legislation
- Fair Vote: 2021 State Legislation on Ranked Choice Voting
- Fair Vote: Details about Ranked Choice Voting
- Fair Vote: Gerrymandering Reform Innovations
- The Hill: Replacing 'winner-takes-all' system would end gerrymandering
- Common Cause: Fair Maps, Fair Representation and a Fair Say
- Common Cause: Gerrymander Gazette Newsletter
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