Directory of Progressive Sources & Resources

Sourcing is mission critical to the UNFTR team. We take great pains to source every fact, quote and media clip. In an era of misinformation and AI generated content, it’s more important than ever to rely on quality work performed by humans. This collection of sources and resources have been curated by UNFTR staffers, prior episode sources and aggregation sites like Each listing has been independently vetted by the UNFTR team. Feel free to submit a resource or organization for inclusion. Also, please note that due to the size of the database there will periodically be issues with defunct links. 

Media Sources

News literacy is more important than ever in the era of “fake news” and deep fakes. Corporate media has fallen from great heights but there are still great journalists practicing their craft. This is a list of UNFTR vetted and approved sources that we often source in our episodes and for the newsletters. They cover a wide variety of topics and news genres but most have a decidedly progressive bias.

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Nearly a quarter of Americans consume “some” news from podcasts. With thousands of news and commentary podcasts to choose from, it’s important to source information from trusted sources that “do the work” and operate with editorial integrity. These are some of the trusted sources that UNFTR values. 

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Leftist YouTubers

The list of left leaning YouTubers is expanding with progressive journalists, comedians, pundits and writers crossing over to video. Like podcasters, some YouTubers come and go, but these  progressive voices offer consistent commentary, interviews and insights. 

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Activist Resources

If you’re looking to follow or get involved in a particular cause, this list of activist groups are notable for their effectiveness and longevity. While there are thousands of organizations dedicated to myriad causes, we curated these organizations specifically around their ability to both raise awareness and get things done in the political realm and invite participation from the masses.

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Human Health and Reproductive Resources

The fight for bodily autonomy and reproductive rights is more important than ever given the conservative composition of the extreme and radical Supreme Court. These are the organizations on the front lines of the fight to protect women’s rights.

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Economic Justice

So much of what ails society is widening inequality. Understanding the impact of economic policy is core to UNFTR’s mission and connecting our audience with organizations fighting for economic justice is imperative if we are to live in a more equitable society.

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Political Organizations

The two party system can feel overwhelming. Below are some organizations that strive to break up the corporate duopoly or at least provide some balance. From ballot measures to voter registration initiatives, these organizations work to strengthen our democracy and diversify the pool of candidates.

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Social Justice

These are a few of the organizations that fight for poor and marginalized people and communities. Social justice advocacy gives voice to the voiceless and promotes a healthy and just society. From anti-war efforts to campaigns to end sexual violence, these groups protect and defend the rights of all citizens to enjoy the full expression of citizenship and civil rights.

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Climate and Environmental Justice

The biggest threat to life on the planet remains the unrelenting assault on the natural world. These organizations and actions are dedicated to reducing harmful carbon emissions, protecting the oceans, increasing biodiversity, fighting deforestation, promoting recycling efforts and more. Very little else matters is we don’t first protect and preserve that which gives us life.

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Animal Rights

Animal rights is a core issue to UNFTR: a fight for the voiceless. On top of believing that animals have the right to live freely and peacefully, it’s a known fact that going vegan is one of the most impactful ways to combat climate change in your personal life. These organizations represent the best of advocacy in the space.

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