Unf*cking Flashback: Capitasociafascilibdemarxism.
Exploring ISMs in the Modern Age.
In today’s cure for insomnia episode, we explore the origins of the ISMs the pundit class abuses each and every day. We’re focusing on the big ones. Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Marxism and Capitalism. The show covers the theorists who created these theories, touch on the circumstances that inspired their thinking and how far from these concepts we have moved as a society. Plus, we’ll talk through how most of these theories (except fascism) are more alike than we’ve been led to believe. (99 and Manny note: “Not the most scintillating episode, but Max was so excited we didn’t have the heart to tell him.”)

Show Notes
Episode Timestamp + Link | Clip Link
- 00:02:49 | Batman: To The Batpoles!
- 00:03:02 | Batman Transition
- 00:05:33 | Ben Shapiro Explains Socialism in 2 Minutes
- 00:08:48 | Mindwalk
- 00:09:35 | Monty Python: Nudge Nudge
- 00:13:59 | My Dinner With Andre: Conspiracy Theory
- 00:16:53 | Christopher Hitchens on Fascism
- 00:25:41 | Richard Simmons: 10 Minute Sweat
- 00:35:07 | Noam Chomsky on Socialism
- 00:38:33 | Noam Chomsky on Leninism
- 00:40:11 | Trump: All nations of the world should resist socialism
- 00:40:18 | Rob Schmitt: Socialism at its finest
- 00:40:29 | Watters' Words: The truth about socialism
- 00:40:40 | 'The Five' shred Joe Biden's socialist agenda
- 00:40:53 | Gutfeld on Millennials favoring socialism and communism
- 00:49:54 | Leonard Cohen: Democracy
Book Love
- Joseph A. Schumpeter: Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy
- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: The Communist Manifesto
- Karl Marx: The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
- Karl Marx: Das Kapital
- Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations
Pod Love
- Pitchfork Economics
- American Scandal: The Ice Pick Surgeon
UNFTR Quick Links