UNFTR X News Beat.
Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls & Two-Spirit People.
Countless Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirit people go missing or are murdered across Canada and the United States in an ongoing genocide receiving inadequate attention from media, governments, and law enforcement. Who’s taking and killing them, and why isn’t more being done? News Beat podcast—Manny’s other love—speaks with Native women on both sides of the border who break down the causes and perpetrators of these atrocities and seek justice for the many mothers, daughters, sisters, aunties, and nieces, missing or slain. South Carolina (by way of New York) hip-hop sorceress LiKWUiD performs original verse to illuminate their mission, and the crisis.

Show Notes
Learn more about the Urban Indian Health Institute, dedicated to among other initiatives, decolonizing data related to the MMIWG2S crisis, at uihi.org, and the Sovereign Bodies Institute, which created and maintains a centralized, constantly updated database of such cases, at sovereign-bodies.org.
The nonprofit Not Our Native Daughters educates and raises awareness about Missing, Exploited, Murdered & Indigenous Women & Children. Check them out on Facebook at NotOurNativeDaughters.
Learn more about Native lawyer and distinguished professor Sarah Deer at sarahdeer.com.
Visit and support the nonprofit Native Women’s Wilderness, at nativewomenswilderness.org, on Facebook at NativeWomensWilderness, and Twitter @NativeWomens.
Another incredible nonprofit is all-Native women-led IllumiNative. Visit them at illuminative.org, on Facebook at IllumiNativeOrg, and on Twitter @IllumiNative.
Check out Reconciliation Education, a provider of bilingual, online, anti-racism training and education courses to businesses, schools, and communities to promote a renewed relationship between Indigenous Peoples and Canadians, at reconciliationeducation.ca.
Listen to the talk show and podcast ‘Let’s Talk Native…With John Kane,’ visit letstalknative.com, and follow along on Twitter @letstalknative.
Visit the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women, at csvanw.org.
Visit usnewsbeat.com for all previous episodes of News Beat podcast, extended guest and artist bios, bonus eps, merch, and much more—and help support their unique blend of hard-hitting independent journalism and indie hip-hop at usnewsbeat.com/support!
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